Channel V decides to get back to its musical beginnings, rebrands itself to appeal to the music lovers

Channel V, after holding its crown for years in the music industry and after spending few critical years of its life in the music slash youth series’ genre, has decided to go back to being a full time music channel once again.

Rebranding is something channel V isn’t unfamiliar with.

When channel V, one of the most favoured music channels in India, decided to turn from being a dedicated music channel to being a full-time GEC or a general entertainment channel in 2012, the channel’s accounts were flooded with hate mail. Youth from all over the country mourned the loss of music to shows. But then, as shows like Sadda Haq, D3 and Gumrah began showing up, they made a special place in the heart of the audience. Now, in 2016, V has once more decided to change its outlook and its genre, switching to music and leaving the shows behind.

The Star India owned channel had made the announcement in May of 2016. However, the change came into effect on August 1, 2016, with a one month delay from the promised execution date which was on July 1, 2016. It has converted itself into a twenty-four seven operating channel entirely dedicated to music. However, it will be wrong to say that Channel V is going back to its old self for the new version, or Channel V 2.0 is not only focussed on the audio content but also on the visual content, determined to present to the audience, an uncluttered, clear and fresh musical experience.

Channel V has planned this rebranding in utter detail, by the looks of it. Not only is the new logo refreshing with its origami inspired twist, the TV screen in no longer filled with dancing cartoons, heart messages, song lists, message requests and not-so-funny jokes when the channel is on. This new, uncompromised view along with the active audience involving music looks like the idea that might return V to its glory days.

The demographic of Channel V has always been the youth. When Prem Kamath had changed the channel into a GEC four years back, it was the response of the youth on shows like Gumrah and The Buddy Project that had inspired the channel to approve the change. Now that the executive VP of Channel V, Hemal Jhaveri is trying to bring the music back, it is the youth whose needs are behind the decision.

The Indian youth of the present time enjoys many genres and is interested in both the domestic tunes and the international ones. Keeping this in mind, the channel has planned to play both Indian and international music in a seventy to thirty ratio. With certain specific shows like Late Night, Dance with V, Most W@nted, V Hangover, Hit Machine and V International, the channel seems to be ready for broadcasting its old flame in a whole new and improved package.

The nostalgia has hit many people with this news. However, V has decided to hold off any VJs for now. Hosting is not the next step for V, as is suggested by Hemal Jhaveri. The next step is a fully blown, sophisticated and yet hyper, all-direction marketing campaign in all the key metros. Also, this planning involves certain on-ground activities which won’t only remind of timeless shows like MTV Bakra but also, engage the youth, landing a more personal viewer base for Channel V.