Unilever being the world's second largest advertiser is ready to take up the world wide and industry wide problem of advertising creditability.
To gain more visibility and control over where its adverts are being placed unilever is bringing together all regional, local and global online publishers and platform under a trusted publisher network.The purpose launching a stricter criteria for advertising is adding rigour to how to advertise online and also boosting the trust of consumers in the brands. It also is focusing on reducing the click frauds which results in more than 1382 Rs in profit for those involved.
Now the evaluation criteria to select the network will be Unilever's '3Vs'
and also some additional standards will be applicable to keep a check on traffic quality, ad experience, online brand safety, ad formatting and data access. They are going to keep this protocol for all the future online advertising. Also they want to keep a check that their ads are being viewed by rewal people and not robots.
Unilever wants to establish a trusted network framework which includes responsible infrastructure, responsible content and responsible platforms. In addition Unilever has also warned the social media network 12 months back to deal with the problem of toxic content and fake news or else it will pull the investment if they don't overhaul their behaviour.
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