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Brand Management

IMCI- Trying to Help People Cross the Chasm

The Chinese have a saying that goes like this: It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions, but hard to get one single remedy

The industries that involve trades like marketing, mass communication, journalism, media management, advertising, public relations, marketing and product management, require the fresher batch of their workforce to have some inkling of what their job would entail. And education and training institutes, almost all of them, promise to deliver that to the candidates that they produce.

Only, mechanical stating of what is and what ought to be is never enough to make someone worth something. It is not enough to realise just how ineffective this automated method of training people is. It is not enough to understand just how dangerous method like these can prove to be in the long run.

IMCI is an attempt to find an answer in the form of a bridge between the mechanistic approaches and the humane approach.

IMCI : The Perspective

For something to begin, something else has to end

In the current age of digital everything and wireless everything, some of the principle concepts of the last few decades have become obsolete. While evolution quite happens at its own pace, technological evolution has taken an exponential path up. Changes have happened in seconds, such changes which would have easily seemed as impossible, miraculous or downright conjecture not more than thirty years back.

This downfall of new concepts on which everything is being defined these days has taken a lot of the population in the way a flood takes a flock of sheep. Confused, unassuming, unaware people were not slowly coaxed into this drastic change of shapes, rather it was shoved into their lives in the name of advancement. And advancement it is, just not easily understood.

The idea that gave birth to IMCI can be considered as being born from thoughts such as the ones pictured above. With so much thrown at all the facets of the society and in such a speed makes people befuddled with what they should go for and what they should skip. For instance, should Mr Bhaskar from down the street get regular newspapers or get a smartphone instead where every second of fresh newsstands at the mercy of one touch. Or to state a more themecentric example, should young Albert who is so interested in journalism, join a good old newspaper or try his hands in digital journalism and match his steps with that of the digital age people, enhancing not only his career but also, his skills as a valuable industry asset.

The correct answer to both of the hypothetical situations is simple: everything is more technically dependent now, so it only seems fair that the workforce that will be carved out of the present generation should also be well equipped with not only the advance techniques of their particular trades but also, should know the standard concepts that help make wiser use of the new tech.

Digital World, the Industry and IMCI

Being digital has become the new face of almost every business out there, in the world. Through the late nineties and the early twentyfirst century, different kinds of syndicates and brands have made use of the digital technology to promote themselves.

With so much going on in the world in the name of development, with numerous changes happening all around people, everything is experiencing a phase of reinvention. This means different things for different people working in different fields. Digital marketing, for instance, is one of the several new concepts that is not only a way to reach a bigger audience, but also is far more expressive and effective

than television marketing ever was. Or take journalism, for it has changed the way news is delivered and the way it is acquired. Every word on every screen has a meaning nowadays. Nothing is just there because it is. Everything has a meaning, or to be more specific, a motive. IMCI understands that all key fields in the industry, namely marketing, mass communication, journalism, media management, advertising, public relations, sales, product management and others that fall in a similar dimension are going through innovative passages every day. With the ease of everything at one touch, creativity and inventiveness has erupted from all over the world and internet has given it a medium to travel through as well as a platform to perform on. As must be clear from this, there is too much crowd and too much talent and too much in the name of competition. So, to make a difference is no longer a question of having the ability. It is more about the way adopted to deliver that ability which will make the talent appear in the most shimmering and enchanting light. And the better the presentation, the higher are the chances of getting where one wants to go.

Internet is a new platform. However, new is quite a relative word around here. It is important to grasp the simplicity of the nature of shift and the critical signs of impending shift. Getting into the industry is what is done by understanding the technique of presenting one's talents. But staying in the industry is a whole different issue. And being able to spot the changes before others can is what makes the difference.

Spot and adopt is what works and is what needs to be the defining trait of a professional. IMCI aims to develop a balance between the training and the grooming, trying to get the proportions right.

IMCI Goals

Without a purpose, without an inspiration, nothing ever achieves any heights worth a mention. With this institution, this very ideology lies at the core, nurturing various careers with its warmth. IMCI works with a vision that encourages it to drive the young and aspiring minds of the society, country and the world to indulge in effective communications. It creates assets and not just another army of skilled labour. IMCI inspires more and instructs less. It motivates more and pushes rather than feeding its students with a ready-made solution which can be applied without another thought.

It creates situations which affect a mind, forcing it to develop the art of being curious to a point where asking questions becomes the most normal course of action rather than shrugging and moving on.

It helps people to look beyond whatever they think their limits are. It assists people in understanding just how far the possibilities can stretch. It allows people to have a long, thoughtful look in the mirror and come up with versions of what they see and what they want to see. Then it builds a road that takes them from what they are to what they want to be, all at the expense of their time and their hard work

But most importantly, it makes sure that the reins stay in the hands of the students. IMCI shows the land and the tools and the techniques but never goes all the way to getting the crop ready and green. IMCI is no more than a humble guide, leaving clues and being conveniently helpful, holding the hypothetical hand through the process rather than making the entire adventure a boring, pre-explained and determined deal.

IMCI guides, much like what the true meaning of a training institution would suggest. It moulds. It enlightens. It brings out the light that people have in them, with care and not with force

About IMCI

Today, our world has become a concoction of commercialization and marketing. The identities in the present time are nothing but mere brands. It is very important to raise the brand value, be it for a person or a product, for it to fare in times such as these.

The idea behind Institute of Marketing Communications India (IMCI) registered under Government of India (Reference No. 3282153) IMCI and situated at the Delhi Development Authority allotted land in Qutub Institutional Area on Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi and near Old JNU Campus] is to increase your brand value by teaching you how to increase the value of the brand you promote.

Bureau of Indian StandardsBureau of Indian Standards

Institute of Marketing Communications India is set up under the aegis of IGMP India which is registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860, licensed by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for offering education and training programmes in the area of Marketing Communications and recognized by Ministry of Commerce & Industry and incorporated under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India and conferred with Quality Council of India (QCI) and D.L. Shah National Quality Award .

The industry is posing new challenges everyday in order to provide the best quality of service to those to whom they are the most accountable- the society. IMCI faces up to this challenge. It is determined to develop and grow with those connected to it. It is dedicated to those who come to it with certain expectations. It enables them to represent their work and their duties in the most effectively impressive manners.

Communication is essential for those who dare to walk on the path of development. But it is not sufficient if the ultimate goal is to serve a people. To bring about a change, one must change their own self. This requires a level of guidance that rises above the present day teaching and training scenarios. World class is precisely what this situation requires in the matters of training and carving aspirants, first into rookies and further into professionals

IMCI understands the concern very well. IMCI aims to provide the society with people capable of handling the jobs that they decide on.

IMCI prepares you to take on the world and whatever challenges the syndicate throws at you. It prepares you to be true to your work. It prepares you to recognize your calling. It meets the needs on a per student basis. And most importantly, it makes sure to thoroughly understand what you want from the institute before it begins with the rituals.

At IMCI, dealings are mostly concerned with Advertising, Digital Marketing & Advertising and Journalism. The courses vary in nature and mode. The faculty members are people who understand their parts and are driven to carry them out. There is a strict regard for manpower per trainee. Attention to details is the motto in there.

IMCI meets up to each elevation that the IT and the Media Industry presents. The programmes are innovated as per the current situation of the trade. Trainers are given trainings and tasks to ensure capability and deliverance at equal rates.

At IMCI, there is just one aim: to create a legion of creative and innovative minds who can deliver the responsibility of carrying the society from a state of oblivion to a state of information and acknowledgements.

Brand Management

There is a very fine line of understanding that separates marketing from branding. With the Postgraduate diploma at Institute of Marketing Communications India, in Brand Management, that fine line is made very clear for you to recognize approach and absorb within your style of work.

Programmes Offered:

Marketing has seen a drastic upturn from being physical to going electronic. In the present situation of the industry, it has emerged as a digital force. At this point of time, it is very important to have full and premium access to the skill set that will elevate your possibilities in the concerned field.

However, it could never hurt to prepare yourself for the next level. The art of branding is that next level. The diploma course at IMCI is the ferryman that will help you cross over to this particular level.

This proposed course is a combination of Marketing and Brand Design. It aims at enhancing your capacity to use the power of a brand and the strategic tactics of marketing to capture the attention that is your major concern.

Course Modules

While understanding every concept related to a particular field is very important for the point of view of knowledge, it's also important to prune the branches that aren't effectively necessary. The course at IMCI has been designed with utmost consideration to the demands of the corporate world.

The implementation and application are quite important in case of hands on work. And thus, a finely meditated upon programme has been intended to satisfy the requirements of the course as well as the need of the participants.

Eligibility Criterion

Any graduation/ B.Sc. / BA / B.Pharma/ MBBS/ BDS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ BAMS or any other discipline. Diploma holders are eligible for our Executive Diploma, Industry Certificate, and Certificate Programmes.

Programme Length

The duration to complete this programme is 1 year (Post Graduate Diploma), 6 months (Executive Diploma).

Programme Key Points

There are several benefits that you would encounter when you connect with this institute for this specific course. However, a few ones of the most heightened importance have been listed here for you to understand the level of determination and dedication that IMCI puts in for you.

Examination and Certification

Along with knowledge, at IMCI, there is a method for extracting the exact depth of your knowledge at the end of the term. With an appropriately evaluated examination, all those who prove to be worthy of it are awarded a Post Graduate Diploma/Executive Diploma in Brand Management

IMCI Career Prospects

Shaping the future of any industry is a responsibility that every entity connected with that trade has to carry on its shoulders. Contributing to the future of the digital, marketing, communication, journalism, sales and advertisement industries, one student at a time, IMCI does its bit.

With complete and utter understanding of this very important facet, at IMCI, the batches that leave this institution are equipped with the tools that are to become their companion in their upcoming career paving path. With a firm belief in what this institution does, IMCI invites companies and prospective employers to examine, evaluate and inspect the final batches, and only after those recruiters find the students to fit their window of desirable aspects perfectly, they are employed as the personnel for any organisation.

IMCI ensures that its students get a chance, a window into the industry, whichever it may be. With the help of the well maintained network of human resource professionals from all over the place, IMCI ensures that every participant gets an opportunity to showcase their talent. With a close knit network of past students, corporate links and experienced trainers, IMCI not only equips its students with a proper skill set, it also provides them with knowledge to utilize those skills.

This institution makes its students employable, all the while putting the importance of chronic understanding at the top.

IMCI Work Philosophy

With so much at stake and so many facets to consider, this institution ensures that a path is paved on the bricks of balance between knowledge and technology, much like the way a spy balances the most advance gadgets with the common sense to use them at the right time and at the right place.

The technique this institution uses is to make its student find their strength within themselves, rather than looking for it on the internet. Or anywhere else for that matter. Educationists at IMCI have always believed that all the new tools, the advance technologies, the modern and superior enhancements which bring convenience to employees and get their tasks finished in a better and easier way, can not be helpful in any manner at all if the employee doesn't coax his or her imagination, creativity and hard work out.

A balanced integration of knowledge and the techniques to apply the knowledge in the best possible way is the belief on which IMCI bases its fashion of working.

Industry and Corporate Placements

IMCI prides itself on the products that it has released in the market and the ones that it aims to release. Moreover, there is a properly paved way for the participants of this course in the industry where they desire to leave a mark.

With connections and relationships spread along, all the participants of this course can enjoy the benefits of industry placements. Not just that, these links and tie ups make the process of gaining knowledge a more detailed and informative one. Since we know exactly what the industry wants, courtesy to the corporate links, it helps us in grooming the students into just the precise kind of professionals.

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Institute of Marketing Communications India

A-14/B, A Block, Qutab Institutional Area, Near Old JNU Campus New Delhi – 110067, India.